GEP | The top most namespace and anything in this framework will be within that namespace |
GEP::Core | This namespace includes all basics needed to run an evolution on a single computer |
GEP::Core::Common | Here are classes that will be subsequently extended and used in GEP.Core.Float, GEP.Core.Double, GEP.Core.Decimal |
GEP::Core::Common::FitnessFunctions | Describes fitness functions that are used to calculate fitness of genotypes |
GEP::Core::Common::GeneticOperators | Genetic operators are defined in this namespace |
GEP::Core::Common::GeneticOperators::GenotypeSelection | Holds classes that define how to select genotypes from a population, which will be subjected to genetic operators |
GEP::Core::Common::MatingProbabilityFunctions | Describes functions that evaluate mating probability of genotypes on a given population |
GEP::Core::Decimal | Extends classes from GEP.Core.Common to use decimal. Not supported yet |
GEP::Core::Double | Extends classes from GEP.Core.Common to use double. Not supported yet |
GEP::Core::Float | Extends classes from GEP.Core.Common to use float. Float is the only value type supported now |
GEP::Core::Float::FitnessFunctions | Here are classes that inherit Common.FitnessFunctions.FitnessFunction and are used in different ways to calculate Genotype.Fitness |
GEP::Core::Float::Functions | Functions used in the genome Float.Genotype._linearStructure belong to this namespace |
GEP::Core::Float::MatingProbabilityFunctions | Describes functions that evaluate mating probability of genotypes on a given population |
GEP::Core::Float::TimeSeries | Loading Variables data from time series files |