GEP::Core::Common Namespace Reference

Here are classes that will be subsequently extended and used in GEP.Core.Float, GEP.Core.Double, GEP.Core.Decimal. More...


class  Alphabet
 An array of Symbols. More...
class  Functions
 Holds some commonly used functions by other classes. More...
class  Genotype
 The genotype is a function that evlolves to solve the given problem. More...
class  GepException
 Used to rise exceptions related to the GEP .NET Framework. More...
class  OperatorsSet
 Stores genetic operators, mating probability function and fitness function. More...
class  Population
 A population of Genotypes. More...
class  Symbol
 Represents functions, variables and constants in Genotype._linearStructure. More...


namespace  FitnessFunctions
 Describes fitness functions that are used to calculate fitness of genotypes.
namespace  GeneticOperators
 Genetic operators are defined in this namespace.
namespace  MatingProbabilityFunctions
 Describes functions that evaluate mating probability of genotypes on a given population.


delegate void GenerationCalculatedCallback (Population population)
 Functions of this type can be called after each generation has funished calculations and just before creating the new generation.

Detailed Description

Here are classes that will be subsequently extended and used in GEP.Core.Float, GEP.Core.Double, GEP.Core.Decimal.

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